What software companies are not saying

Subscribe now to the new NEWSLETTER dedicated to Secure Software!

That’s right, you’re about to receive a new sequence of articles sent by email that will discusso about some particularly hot topics in the world of Critical Software development.

No, because … I’m literally tired.

In fact, after over 25 years of experience, after being deluded, teased (if not deceived) for years by a whole range of subjects in the software world and repeatedly banged my head against obstacles that fortunately are now easily avoidable, I understood that I had to do something to combat all this and to help everyone who, like you who are reading, would have been very pleased to be warned before and consequently to save the headache and the resulting bump.
Building Quality Software is a problem that has been magnified in recent years: increasingly demanding customers, exponentially increased complexity, competition from low-cost countries, mandatory certifications by security authorities.

How to handle this situation, constantly worsening?

With the real risk of arguing with a whole series of people and companies with whom I had to deal all these years and to disappoint and make many others angry, but at least with the hope of satisfying only those few like you who will be listening, I decided to start 2019 by emptying the bag and revealing a wealth of precious information that can not be found elsewhere.

Do you want to receive a FREE newsletter that will get you in over 20 episodes?

You want to know tricks, best-practices, secrets from “insiders” of the world of Avionics Certification, where the rigor and reproducibility of software development have led to ZERO accidents on over 30 million flights in 2017, and how to apply them easily even in a SME developing Software Safety- or Business-Critical?

Subscribe to the most transgressive and critical newsletter of the world of critical software

La tua azienda sta producendo pessimo software, bruciando prezioso budget in una spirale che presto ti manderà gambe all’aria. Te ne sei già accorto? E cosa stai facendo per evitarlo?
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