DO-178C Avionics Certification Course – Rome 14-16 November

AGILE e DO-178: un matrimonio (im)perfetto?

DO-178C Avionics Certification Course

Rome 14-16 November

Are you a Safety-Critical code developer?

Are you the manager of a development team of an aerospace, automotive, medical company?

Do you have a company that would like to debut in the difficult market of certified software?

What you will learn from this course

You will learn from international experts such as Vance Hilderman , one of the main authorities in the DO-178 aerospace certification and Massimo Bombino, who has successfully implemented the most efficient and modern code development methodologies to Safety Critical software, arguments such as to:

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La tua azienda sta producendo pessimo software, bruciando prezioso budget in una spirale che presto ti manderà gambe all’aria. Te ne sei già accorto? E cosa stai facendo per evitarlo?
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