Massimo Bombino: who am I?

My name is Massimo Bombino and I have been working in the Software Development field for over 25 years and I had the opportunity to cover a long series of roles related to the software life cycle, in various areas (from Developer to Manager, from Modeling to Testing, from Employee to Entrepeneur, from Management Software to Aerospace, from Safety-critical to Business-critical environment). I have held dozens of programming, design, Aerospace and Industrial Certification courses. In short, a real Technocrat!

For years I have been forced to fight against all the problems related to software development: delays, misunderstandings, bugs, complaints from customers, managers. And feeling powerlessness in seeing how software, although omnipresent in any aspect of our life, is in reality a completely underestimated, and mistreated discipline but of absolute and ever increasing importance and above all danger.

Over 15 years ago I approached the world of Safety Critical software and the Certification typical of Aerospace, Railway, Medical, Automotive environments and I learned a lot of interesting and unexpected things about how to write code in a professional, engineering and scientific way that is not only more stable and secure but also less expensive, more efficiently and quickly. But with an infrastructure of methods, procedures, documentation almost completely unapproachable to a SME where the number of software workers is often very limited.

Here you will find some of my public speakings, trainings and interviews:


CEO & Founder di SOFTWARE SICURO srl

YouTube channel with public trainings and contents:

Avionics Expo – Aerospace Testing
2016 – 2017 – 2018 – 2019

Author and presenter for Workshops and Conference about Avionic Certification & Testing:

INCOSE Public Speaker

Conference MIMOS 2010

Conference MIMOS


Master System Engineering – Roma Tor Vergata
2013 – 2018

Professor of  “Quality, Safety and Systems Suitability” and “System Architecture and Design”

Master Tor Vergata – System Engineering

Software Testing Conference in Paris
15 June 2010

Author and presenter of a paper: “Heterogeneous systems co-simulation”

A model-driven approach based on SysML State Machines and Simulink.

Visiting Professor for “Software correctness” course
2015 – 2019

Public Lecture: “6th Software Development Commandment: you shall not murder”

Public Lecture: “SpaceX, ExoMars, Ariane: short analysis of catastrophic space failures”

Interview from Automazione Oggi
Vector Press Release

Public speaking – Istituto Aeronautico Vinci di Gallarate
11-04-2019, Gallarate (VA)

La tua azienda sta producendo pessimo software, bruciando prezioso budget in una spirale che presto ti manderà gambe all’aria. Te ne sei già accorto? E cosa stai facendo per evitarlo?
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